Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Is There Anything Exciting in Dallas?

I'll answer that with a definite "Yes" - the American Christian Fiction Writer's Annual Conference is coming up this weekend. And I've got my plane ticket in hand.

Those of you in-the-know understand why I'm excited about this four-day event. For those who haven't the foggiest, I'm prepared to sing praises now. The top attractions, for me, are all the experts within the field who are ready to share their expertise via workshops, panel discussions, and personalized interviews. Published authors, agents, publicists, and novice writers, like me, will mingle and network our fannies off while we soak up as much atmosphere as humanly possible. 

I've signed up for my fifteen minutes of fame: two people I've been anxious to meet have graciously agreed to conduct "interviews" - that is, make appointments with authors like me who wouldn't normally have a chance to pitch our projects, in person, to the proper bigwigs.  With twenty-seven bigwigs to choose from, I found it hard to choose the top two, but I managed. They probably won't be as enthusiastic about meeting ME, but we'll see.

The keynote speaker is James Scott Bell, who writers thriller fiction. I'm looking forward to his address.

If you're interested in seeing what workshops are offered, who the 27 bigwigs are, or what the continuing education sessions look like, check out the website at  And if you can make it, maybe I'll see you there.

Oh, the conference isn't the only exciting thing in Dallas. My former pastor lives there. I haven't seen him in nearly 15 years, and I'm looking forward to re-connecting with him again. For what it's worth.


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