Saturday, June 15, 2013

Check out this new book!

 Kristen Lamb's blog post yesterday featured her new book Rise of the Machines (I couldn't find an amazon link for it, but it comes out July 4, 2013.) She talks about change being a scary but exciting thing. She got to be a cyborg took some risks with her cover art, and it turned out awesome (yes, that's really her as a cyborg). 

Is this fabulous, or what? It looks like a fiction cover, but the book is non-fiction. It beautifully displays her personality, it appeals to her audience (creative people who like sci-fi, vampires, Dr. Who, and Renaissance fairs), and it'll definitely stand out on non-fiction shelves. Who will be able to resist picking it up? 

Check out her blog post to read about the rise of the book, the decisions she made, and see a massive close-up of this cover. 

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