Friday, October 11, 2013

A Good Scare

With Halloween just weeks away, my kids are begging for costumes. My youngest wants to be Esio from Assassin's Creed. That got me thinking about scary stuff. Esio's not horribly scary, but maybe that's because I've never watched my kids play the game. Stephen King's books are the scariest I've ever read (Misery and Pet Sematary get my top votes for creepiest books ever). Nightmare on Elm Street is the scariest movie I ever watched (made it about three minutes in before I ran screaming from the room). 
(Bela Legosi as Dracula, photo courtesy of wikipedia)

Question: What's the scariest book you ever read and the scariest movie you ever watched? Do you like being scared, or are you like me and run away from the creepy stuff?


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