Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Thomas Concept - Pattern VIII

This is the last post on The Thomas Concept with its patterns of strengths. Pattern VIII people are "dynamic, eloquent, spirited, enthusiastic, convincing, inspirational, dramatic, charismatic, optimistic, persuasive, impulsive, exciting, innovative, imaginative, versatile, colorful, impelling, exuberant, and has vision." He stimulates change.

Relationship Strengths: The Pattern VIII person puts his focus of attention on his own vision. He has the courage to risk everything. He wants to influence others. He seeks the spotlight, enlivens relationships, and loves to talk.

Vocational Strengths: The Pattern VIII person gives dynamic leadership to a "cause," sells a dream, promotes an idea, puts deals together, and is an excellent public speaker.

Wants Others to: Pattern VIII people want others to notice them and react, show excitement and enthusiasm, be influenced by them, follow them, and be supportive.

In the Myers-Briggs world, the Pattern VIII person most closely resembles the ESTP (Promoter) or the ESFP (Performer). Famous Promoters include John Kennedy, Lucille Ball, and Madonna. Famous Performers include Bill Clinton, Elvis Presley, and Homer Simpson. 

(Elvis, courtesy of wikipedia)

To shake up a Pattern VIII protagonist's life, introduce an opposing character who is not easily swayed by words, who is extremely independent, and who finds the protagonist to be a "fraud" or "foolish." If the antagonist is someone close to the protagonist, like a spouse or sibling, the "betrayal" is more deeply felt. 

That concludes The Thomas Concept discussions here. Personally, I find the Myers-Briggs 16 core personalities to be more helpful in building believable characters, but the "wants others to" category of The Thomas Concept can be very useful. Have you found the study to be helpful? Please share.


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