Monday, August 13, 2012

Blogging frequency

Michael Hyatt (see his blog here) has a book called Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. He's also got a blog that gets awesome traffic--and he posts five days a week. So when he said that "there is a direct correlation between frequency and traffic," he inspired me to post more often and more regularly. Last year, I tried to blog every Monday and Thursday. This year, I started a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule. I've been mostly successful at hitting my target, and it's been fun trying to come up with topics that will pique reader interests.

Today's post by Michael Hyatt quotes another guy, Ali Luke, as saying, "there's been a shift in the blogging world. More and more prominent bloggers-on-blogging are moving away from daily posting--and reassuring their readers that you don't have to post every day in order to be successful... I once surveyed readers here on ProBlogger about the reasons they unsubscribed from RSS feeds, and the number one answer was 'posting too much.' Respondents expressed that they developed 'burnout' and would unsubscribe if a blog became too 'noisy.'"

It made me think. Are my posts, which only come three days a week, getting too long, too noisy? I'll admit, the lengths have been getting away from me. The topics are so interesting to me, I want to cover them in-depth instead of just lightly touching them. So I must ask you, faithful readers, have you been skimming the longer posts, or flat-out skipping them? Do you want me to return to short, pithy posts that can be read in a minute or two? Please offer your opinion. 


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